Woodland Stay & Play - SIBLING TICKET
Purchased alongside a PAYG or term ticket
Service Description
These sessions are suitable for confident walkers up to the age of 5, please contact us if you have older children who wish to attend. Each week there will be a mixture of play opportunities available; hammocks, mud kitchen, digging, arts & crafts, plus a theme for the week based on the seasons and time of year. We will end the session with a story around the campfire and toasted marshmallows
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
By booking a session at Into the Wild Forest School, you (the Parent/Carers of the children attend the session) agree to the following terms and conditions found in this link. www.intothewildforestschool.co.uk/terms-and-conditions
Contact Details
Kingwood, Henley-on-Thames RG9 5NS, UK